A grim and truthful insight into the future by environmental scientist Guy Lane
What's Comes Next
Climate Change, the Future and You


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Climate Change, the Future & You

Freelance environmental scientist Guy Lane shares insights from his 30-year quest to understand what’s next in the climate & biodiversity crisis in this fast-paced, science-based book.

This two-hour read lays bare the grim truth about collapse, what it means for you, and how you can help make it better.

Read It. Share It. Take Action.

Start Now.


Jennifer Hynes from Extinction Radio interviews Guy Lane about What Comes Next.

Guy Lane introduces What Comes Next: Climate Change, the Future and You.

Paul Maginley & Brian Weinstein from Reality Report, interview Guy Lane.

Book review of What Comes Next by Robert Hunziker

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Comments and Reviews of What Comes Next

Lane’s book is a splendid gift for all who want to learn how to feel comfortable about discussing the most profound issue of our times. He’s empowering people to achieve personal satisfaction and meaningfulness in the context of a very challenging world.
Rober Hunziker (see book review above)


I bought the book and read it before decidng to share it.The typos are few and thefactual errors inconse3quential to the validity of the argument. It is also a bit cultureally solipsistic, but that's probably okay for the intended audience.
Bill Everett


Just finished reading a kindle copy of the book and can't recommend it enough...its straight to the point, where we need to be. A 2hr read...educate yourselves and spread the word fast!!
Jonathan Odlum


Just more unwarranted hubris and arrogance, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. You cannot remove decades of warming from the oceans, you cannot refreeze the ice, you cannot remove the water vapor from the atmosphere, and you sure as hell won't be stopping massive releases of methane. This is you being a huckster by publishing lies at the end, promoting "false hope" to simply make money for yourself. Despicable.
Julianne Jaz
(Note: I am not sure if Julianne read the book before posting this comment.)


Julianne, if Mr. Lane's book helps more people to wake up to reality, he has done some good. We need to help wake up the world to what is happening. Most people are unaware.
Joe Neubarth


Just wanted to let you know your book is most interesting and relates our dire conditions with precise details, most especially combining all of the problems we face so comprehensively.
John Robert Turcot

Learn About the Coming Blue Ocean Event

Image source: https://sites.google.com/site/arctischepinguin/home/piomas

About Guy Lane

Guy Lane is a UK/Australian dual national living in Brisbane. He has a Bachelor of Science with Honours in Environmental Science and has nearly completed a Master of Business. Since a young age, Guy has been on a quest to answer the questions of Life & Earth. His work life is diverse, from offshore oil exploration, environmental consulting to a variety of entrepreneurial ventures with sustainability themes.

Guy Lane on the CityCat ferry on the Brisbane River in 2016.

Sustainability-themed Novels by Guy Lane

Up-to-Speed Educational Ebooks by Guy Lane

What Comes Next is a initiative of guylane.com